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St Brigid's National School, Coon, Co. Kilkenny


2023/2024 School Year

14th May 2024
Well done to our 6th class pupil,Liam,who was chosen to represent St Martin's GAA...
10th May 2024
This week in SPHE with the help of Ms. Shortall we learned all about being calm and...
3rd May 2024
The children learning all about different types of houses and getting to make their...
2nd May 2024
Some of our 2nd/3rd Class who attended a blitz today in Dunmore.
1st May 2024
Seó Faisin i Rang 4, Rang 5 agus Rang 6 Bhí an-spraoi ag Rang 4,...
1st May 2024
The children had a visit from Dan The Skipping Man to learn how to skip. On top of...
1st May 2024
On the 30th May our school had a visit from Dan the Skipping man.
1st May 2024
The children with the help of Ms. Shortall created their own Mandala art with natural...